Thursday, March 26, 2009


I guess I should explain what happened to my legs. I have stress fractures in both ankles. I'm not completely sure how it happened, but I think it was from running. It happened the first week in February. I had been running for a few days and noticed I was a little sore around my ankles, but thought it was due to the new sneakers I was wearing and it would go away when I got used to them. I kept running even though the pain got worse. The next morning I almost fell down when my feet hit the floor out of bed. It was really sore, but I still thought nothing of it. I thought it was tendonitis and just tried to rest them. They eventually started swelling and were throbbing even when propped up. Fast forward to two weeks later when I could barely walk. Thankfully, Matt finally made me go to the orthopedist, and an after-hours visit, x-rays, bloodwork, and an MRI later, we discovered I have stress fractures in both legs. He said between pregnancy, nursing, and not eating dairy for 6 months (made Aydan's colic worse), I am in temporary osteoporosis. Who knew?!

I am staying off my feet as much as you can when you teach and have a baby at home. Hopefully they'll heal soon! I have started incorporating dairy back into my diet and taking more calcium. It's not a cool story, but there it is. I told my students I was trying a new snowboarding trick...and they believed me! Hehe!

Monday, March 23, 2009

7 Month's Old

Not much to report other than Aydan reaching the 7 month mark yesterday. She is now saying bah-bah-bah all day long and continues to learn how to wave. She is also very close to crawling and while we are all excited for her to get out when she does. As soon as she can crawl, she will be a non stop terror (in a good way of course).

In addition, we have started another project at the Vaughn house. My former man-cave (I have a newer and bigger one now) is getting turned into Aydan's (and any future baby Vaughn's) playroom. We are planning on tearing up the carpet and putting down some new floors, building some built-ins with a toy box, shelves and cabinets. We are also going to paint and make one wall a huge chalkboard. I will take some before pictures and post the progress as we move along.

In everything give thanks...

I am trying hard to live out 1 Thessalonians 5:18--"In everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." This kind of goes along with a lesson from Cindi Wood's "The Frazzled Female" Bible study I did a few months ago that challenged me to take a 24 hour fast from negative thinking. I was shocked at how many negative thoughts run through my head all day! Each time I caught myself thinking negatively, I would try to replace it with something positive. Applying this to 1 Thes. 5:18 just takes it a step further. Not only should I think positively about everything, I should praise the Lord for it! So, I should thank God that I have two casts on my legs? I should praise God that I have the flu? I should thank God for middle school students who drive me crazy all day? YES, YES, and YES!

I decided last night that thankful living will be my new endeavor. I'm sure I failed much earlier than this, but the first time I realized my failure was on the way to work this morning when I made a comment about not wanting to go to work. I immediately recognized my thankless attitude and followed-up my statement with "I'm just kidding...I'm so thankful to have a job." Sure, it was forced, but it's a start!

I don't know how long I can keep this up, but here are some things for which I am truly thankful!

  • Thank you, Lord, for these casts on my legs--I can't drive, so Matt has to take me to work, and it offers us 15 minutes of good quality time together. I am going to miss it when I am able to drive again! He makes me laugh! : )
  • Thank you, Lord, that Aydan was up twice last night. It gives me the chance to snuggle and spend time with her.
  • Thank you, Lord, for my job that keeps food on the table and a roof over our heads.
  • Thank you, Lord, that I have a wonderful family that I can't wait to go home to at night!
  • Thank you, Lord, that I have co-workers who care about me, lift me up, and make me laugh!
  • And for the tough one...thank you, Lord, for giving me the flu. It allowed me to rest my mind, body, and legs!
  • Thank you, Lord, for pollen, because it means spring and beautiful weather!! : )

Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's My Turn

Well since Lindsay has been out of commission with some sort of Flu like bug the past 3 days, I decided to give blogging a shot. There is not much to report from the Vaughn household other than the sickness, but there still seems to never be a quiet moment. Aydan is learning to wave and it is so freakin' cute. She is so amazing at how quickly she learns new things and changes from day to day and even more amazing is the fact that she will be 7 months old on Sunday. I have added one of the images from our 6 month photo shoot so that you can see the cute little booger. I am sure that as soon as Lindsay is feeling better she will continue to blog, but until then, you will probably have to starve yourself of the "captivating" moments from the Vaughn family.

Friday, March 13, 2009


So happy it's Friday (even if it is Friday 13th)! We have a nice weekend planned. Kylee Merchant is two years old today--YAY!--and we will be attending her party tomorrow. Aydan is being dedicated to our church on Sunday, and we are so excited about that!

I went to the orthopedist on Wednesday to what I thought was the appointment to get my casts off. Unfortunately, they did more x-rays and saw that the bones have not completely healed yet, so I have to wear them 2-4 more weeks. Yuck! Oh well, that just means more quality time for Matt and me as she takes me to school each morning! : ) I almost like being chaufferred around...less stress!

I'll add a photo of me in my casts and I also need to add some of Aydan's most recent photo shoot! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Monday, March 9, 2009

I'm blogging!

I can't believe I'm actually blogging! I've always wanted to do it, but always used the "no time" excuse. I guess time will tell if I actually have the time or not!

We had a wonderful weekend and loved the nice weather! It has definitely given me spring fever. We had a photo shoot with Aydan at the park on Saturday. I will post some of the pics soon.

Aydan is going to be dedicated to our church on Sunday, March 15, and we are very excited about that!