Well it has been a little while since my last post but a lot has happened. First, Aydan had her first Easter and was so cute. We had a wonderful Easter day, and the Easter bunny came to see Aydan three times...our house, MiMi and Granddaddy's (aka Hogger), and Nuni and Papa's. She certainly has no shortage of love and attention!

We started the day by going to church and Aydan finally stayed in the nursery for the first time. We immediately found out she would be moved from the squirrell class to the rabbit class due to her advanced skills. After church, we had Easter lunch (and Ashley's birthday celebration) at Nuni and Papa's house where the easter bunny left Aydan a big bunny of her own. Aydan immediately took to the bunny and continued to wrestle with it for about 1o minutes. She was beyond adorable with her new friend and proceeded to show her love by covering the rabbit in slobber.

Secondly, my little daughter wore her first pair of booty shorts while enjoying the spring weather. While she was cute...she better enjoy it now while no boys are chasing her.
Happy Birthday to Aunt Ashley!!