I can't believe how long it's been since we've updated. We have been so busy and so much has been happening! However, the best thing is that Aydan has started giving kisses! She does it on command and even gives a few on her own! It is the sweetest thing, and I just LOVE it!

Let's see, what else has been going on...she's copying things we say now, and loves to say "Hey Sophie" when she sees Sophie, although it sounds like "Hey Zozie!" Yesterday she clapped and said "Yay" after she kissed me. We had her 9 month appointment last week. She weighs 17 pounds and is 28 inches long. Dr. Mac says she is growing just fine and is very advanced for her age. She has one shining tooth down at the bottom, but more are sure to follow soon. We also found out she has an ear infection, but we can't complain too much since she went 9 months without getting sick! She's on antibiotics and seems to be doing better.
My family bought me a sewing/embroidery machine for my birthday, so I am very excited about that!! I will be posting pictures of my creations!
We are almost finished with the Kid Cave! We just have to put on the finishing details, accessories, etc. Matt has worked really hard and done an amazing job! I will post before and after pics as soon as we put on the finishing details!
I will try to do better with my updates. Summer vacation starts in 9 days, so hopefully I'll have more time on my hands! : )